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Entity Data Model

    PERSON {
        string name
        string biologicalSex

    CreditCard {
        string cardNumber PK
        string expiryDate

    DebitCard {
        string cardNumber PK
        string expiryDate

    Address {
        string streetAddress PK
        string city
        string state
        string zipCode

    PhoneNumber {
        string phoneNumber PK

    Passport {
        string passportNumber PK
        string expiryDate

    InsuranceID {
        string insuranceID PK
        string provider

    NationalID {
        string nationalID PK
        string country

    MilitaryID {
        string militaryID PK
        string branch

    PatientID {
        string patientID PK
        string hospital

    FinancialAccount {
        string accountNumber PK
        string bankName

    VitalLifeEvent {
        string eventName PK
        date eventDate

    Symptom {
        string symptomName PK

    Diagnosis {
        string diagnosisName PK

    MedicalProcedure {
        string procedureName PK

    DriverLicense {
        string licenseNumber PK
        string issuingState
        string expiryDate

    PrisonID {
        string prisonID PK
        string issuingInstitution

    TribalID {
        string tribalID PK
        string tribeName

    TaxID {
        string taxID PK
        string issuingCountry

    ReligiousBelief {
        string beliefName PK

    ReligiousAffiliation {
        string affiliationName PK

    PoliticalBelief {
        string beliefName PK

    PoliticalAffiliation {
        string affiliationName PK

    EmailAddress {
        string emailAddress PK
    person ||--o{ person_race : ""
    person ||--o{ person_ethnicity : ""
    person ||--o{ person_nationality : ""
    person ||--|| gender_identity : ""
    person ||--|| sexual_orientation : ""
    person ||--|| biological_sex : ""
    person ||--o{ person_card : ""
    person ||--o{ person_address : ""
    person ||--o{ person_phone_number : ""
    person ||--o{ person_name : ""
    person ||--o{ person_email_address : ""
    person ||--o{ person_religious_belief : ""
    person ||--o{ person_religious_affiliation : ""
    person ||--o{ person_political_belief : ""
    person ||--o{ person_political_affiliation : ""
    person ||--o{ person_passport : ""
    person ||--o{ person_ip_address : ""
    person ||--o{ person_url : ""
    person ||--o{ person_id_card : ""
    race ||--o{ person_race : ""
    ethnicity ||--o{ person_ethnicity : ""
    nationality ||--o{ person_nationality : ""
    card ||--o{ person_card : ""
    address ||--o{ person_address : ""
    phone_number ||--o{ person_phone_number : ""
    name ||--o{ person_name : ""
    email_address ||--o{ person_email_address : ""
    religious_belief ||--o{ person_religious_belief : ""
    religious_affiliation ||--o{ person_religious_affiliation : ""
    political_belief ||--o{ person_political_belief : ""
    political_party ||--o{ person_political_affiliation : ""
    passport ||--o{ person_passport : ""
    ip_address ||--o{ person_ip_address : ""
    url ||--o{ person_url : ""
    id_card ||--o{ person_id_card : ""
    person ||--o{ person_symptom : ""
    person ||--o{ person_diagnosis : ""
    person ||--o{ person_procedure : ""
    symptom ||--o{ person_symptom : ""
    diagnosis ||--o{ person_diagnosis : ""
    medical_procedure ||--o{ person_procedure : ""
    card ||--|| credit_card : ""
    card ||--|| debit_card : ""

    person {
        string personId PK "Unique identifier for the person"

    race {
        string raceId PK "Unique identifier for each race"
        string raceName "Name of the race"

    ethnicity {
        string ethnicityId PK "Unique identifier for each ethnicity"
        string ethnicityName "Name of the ethnicity"

    nationality {
        string nationalityId PK "Unique identifier for each nationality"
        string nationalityName "Name of the nationality"

    gender_identity {
        string genderIdentityId PK "Unique identifier for each gender identity"
        string genderIdentityName "Name of the gender identity"

    sexual_orientation {
        string sexualOrientationId PK "Unique identifier for each sexual orientation"
        string sexualOrientationName "Name of the sexual orientation"

    biological_sex {
        string biologicalSexId PK "Unique identifier for each biological sex"
        string biologicalSexName "Name of the biological sex"

    card {
        string cardId PK "Unique identifier for the card"
        string cardNumber "Card number"
        string cardType "Type of card ('Credit' or 'Debit')"
        string expiryDate "Expiry date (MM/YY)"
        string cardholderName "Name on the card"
        string issuingNetwork "Card network (e.g., 'Visa')" 

    credit_card {
        string cardId FK "Foreign key referencing cardId"
        string creditLimit "Credit limit"

    debit_card {
        string cardId FK "Foreign key referencing cardId"
        string accountNumber "Account number linked to the debit card" 

    address {
        string addressId PK "Unique identifier for the address"
        string addressLine1 "The primary address line"
        string addressLine2 "Additional address line"
        string locality "The city, town, or village"
        string administrativeArea "The state, province, or region"
        string postalCode "The postal or ZIP code"
        string country "The country name or code"

    phone_number {
        string phoneNumberId PK "Unique identifier for the phone number"
        string countryCode "Country code (e.g., '1', '44')"
        string nationalNumber "National portion of the phone number"

    name {
        string nameId PK "Unique identifier for the name"
        string fullName "The full name as provided"

    email_address {
        string emailAddressId PK "Unique identifier for the email address"
        string email "The full email address"

    religious_belief {
        string religiousBeliefId PK "Unique identifier for each religious belief"
        string beliefName "Name of the belief or denomination"

    religious_affiliation {
        string religiousAffiliationId PK "Unique identifier for each religious affiliation"
        string affiliationName "Name of the affiliation"

    political_belief {
        string politicalBeliefId PK "Unique identifier for each political belief"
        string beliefName "Name of the belief or ideology"

    political_party {
        string politicalPartyId PK "Unique identifier for each political party"
        string partyName "Name of the party"

    passport {
        string passportId PK "Unique identifier for the passport"
        string passportNumber "Passport number"
        string issuingCountry "Issuing country"

    ip_address {
        string ipAddressId PK "Unique identifier for the IP address"
        string ipAddress "IP address (e.g., '')"

    url {
        string urlId PK "Unique identifier for the URL"
        string url "URL (e.g., '')"

    id_card {
        string cardId PK "Unique identifier for the card"
        string cardNumber "Unique identifier or number on the card"
        string issuingCountry "Country that issued the card (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code)"
        string cardType "Type of card ('National ID', 'Tax ID', 'Insurance ID', 'Other')"
        string cardholderName "Name of the cardholder"
        date issueDate "Date the card was issued"
        date expiryDate "Date the card expires (if applicable)"
        string issuingAuthority "Issuing authority or agency"

    person_race {
        string personId FK "Foreign key to person"
        string raceId FK "Foreign key to race"

    person_ethnicity {
        string personId FK "Foreign key to person"
        string ethnicityId FK "Foreign key to ethnicity"

    person_nationality {
        string personId FK "Foreign key to person"
        string nationalityId FK "Foreign key to nationality"

    person_card {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string cardId FK "Foreign key referencing cardId"

    person_address {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string addressId FK "Foreign key referencing addressId"
        string addressType "Type of address (e.g., 'Home', 'Work')" 

    person_phone_number {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string phoneNumberId FK "Foreign key referencing phoneNumberId"
        string phoneType "Type of phone number (e.g., 'Mobile', 'Home')"

    person_name {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string nameId FK "Foreign key referencing nameId"
        string nameType "Type of name (e.g., 'Legal', 'Preferred')"

    person_email_address {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string emailAddressId FK "Foreign key referencing emailAddressId"
        string emailType "Type of email address (e.g., 'Personal', 'Work')"

    person_religious_belief {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string religiousBeliefId FK "Foreign key referencing religiousBeliefId"
        string levelOfAdherence "Level of adherence (e.g., 'Practicing', 'Non-practicing')"

    person_religious_affiliation {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string religiousAffiliationId FK "Foreign key referencing religiousAffiliationId"
        string membershipStatus "Membership status (e.g., 'Member', 'Attendee')"

    person_political_belief {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string politicalBeliefId FK "Foreign key referencing politicalBeliefId"
        string levelOfAgreement "Level of agreement with the belief"

    person_political_affiliation {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string politicalPartyId FK "Foreign key referencing politicalPartyId"
        string membershipStatus "Membership status (e.g., 'Member', 'Supporter')"

    person_passport {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string passportId FK "Foreign key referencing passportId"

    person_ip_address {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string ipAddressId FK "Foreign key referencing ipAddressId"
        datetime lastSeen "Timestamp of the last time the IP address was seen for this person"

    person_url {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string urlId FK "Foreign key referencing urlId"
        string urlType "Type of URL (e.g., 'Personal Website', 'Social Media Profile')"

    person_id_card {
        string personId FK "Foreign key to person"
        string cardId FK "Foreign key to id_card"
   symptom {
        string symptomId PK "Unique identifier for the symptom"
        string symptomName "Name of the symptom (e.g., 'Headache', 'Cough')"
        string symptomDescription "Detailed description of the symptom"

    diagnosis {
        string diagnosisId PK "Unique identifier for the diagnosis"
        string diagnosisName "Name of the diagnosis (e.g., 'Common Cold', 'Influenza')"
        string diagnosisDescription "Detailed description of the diagnosis"
        string icd10Code "ICD-10 code for the diagnosis (optional)"

    medical_procedure {
        string procedureId PK "Unique identifier for the procedure"
        string procedureName "Name of the procedure (e.g., 'Appendectomy', 'Blood Test')"
        string procedureDescription "Detailed description of the procedure"
        string cptCode "CPT code for the procedure (optional)"

    person_symptom {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string symptomId FK "Foreign key referencing symptomId"
        date dateRecorded "Date the symptom was recorded"
        string severity "Severity of the symptom (e.g., 'Mild', 'Moderate', 'Severe')"
        string notes "Additional notes about the symptom"

    person_diagnosis {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string diagnosisId FK "Foreign key referencing diagnosisId"
        date dateDiagnosed "Date the diagnosis was made"
        string diagnosingPhysician "Name of the physician who made the diagnosis (optional)"
        string notes "Additional notes about the diagnosis"

    person_procedure {
        string personId FK "Foreign key referencing personId"
        string procedureId FK "Foreign key referencing procedureId"
        date datePerformed "Date the procedure was performed"
        string performingPhysician "Name of the physician who performed the procedure (optional)"
        string location "Location where the procedure was performed (optional)"
        string notes "Additional notes about the procedure"