Retry Processing
Certain “Failed” files are unable to be processed because they are password protected or encrypted. After processing, you can update passwords via the Password Bank and retry processing these files. The workflow to retry processing protected files is outlined as follows:
Navigate to Templates under Project Settings and select Processing Templates:
Choose your processing template, then scroll down to select the Try Opening Password-Protected Files option box and click on the list icon:
Select the Upload new list option to drop, paste, or select password files from your browser, or use a previously uploaded list with the name
should contain passwords for all the password-protected files you uploaded. You must upload one file with the nameretry.csv
. The file name is not case-sensitive. You may update the retry.csv file and retry processing the same file multiple times. Processing only applies the retry password bank when you retry processing your failed files. Be careful not to change your processing rules to the retry.csv file.Note that if you upload multiple
in the retry password bank, the most recentretry.csv
file will overwrite the previously uploadedretry.csv
file.Initial Processing Recommendation
For initial uploads of password-protected files, we recommend providing the password in a.csv
file with a name other thanretry.csv
. This avoids the need for retries and ensures smooth processing. Theretry.csv
file should only be used during reprocessing attempts.
Filter on error messages that contain the word “Password”:
Select the files to retry and click on the Retry Selected button to reprocess the files: