Activity History
Canopy maintains project activities within the project space. Project activity history is archived when the admin archives the project and disposed of when the admin deletes the project.
Project Administrators can view the Activity History page by clicking on the Activity tab under Project Settings.
Legacy activities do not follow the same format and will be converted over time. Canopy supports legacy formatted activities by mapping the fields as follows:
New UI Field | Legacy UI Field |
Begin Date/Time | Date and Time |
End Date/Time | Date and Time or leave blank if it does not exist. |
Activity Class | Leave Blank |
Type | Activity Type |
Job ID | Leave Blank |
User | User Name (Email Address) |
Description | Current description excluding the user name. |
Details | Details |
Some activities are associated with a job. Job ID allows users to group events related by activity. Job activity can be used to understand who, what, how, and when related work to a single action was applied.
- Sign in as a Project Administrator.
- Select the project you are working on.
- In the upper-right corner of any page on Canopy, click Settings, click Project, and then click on Activities.
- Select the Class filter from the header of the data grid.
- Add Consolidation to is any of selected filter.
- Once filtered, scroll to your right and copy the job ID of the run consolidation job you would like to filter.
- Select the Job ID filter and paste the job ID you just copied into the filter.
- Paste the job ID you just copied into the is any of these filter.
- Done
Background jobs or services typically have states to reflect their lifecycle or current status. Here’s a list of job states:
Initial/Pre-Execution States (Appears in the Job Manager’s Working Tab)
- Created: Job has been initialized but not yet scheduled or processed.
- Queued: Waiting in line to be executed.
- Dequed: Job has been dequeued as part of a cancellation request.
Active States (Appears in the Job Manager’s Working Tab)
- Working: Actively being processed or executed.
- Waiting: Temporarily on hold, waiting for external resources or conditions to proceed.
- Canceling: The user pressed cancel, and the job is in the process of canceling.
Completion States (Appears in the Job Manager’s Completed Tab)
- Completed: Successfully finished processing without errors.
- Canceled: Terminated by external intervention before completion.
- Partially Completed: Completed some work completed successfully but encountered issues with others.
Completed with Error (Appears in the Job Manager’s Failed Tab)
- Failed: Execution terminated due to errors.
- Timed Out: Failed to complete within an allotted time frame.
--- title: Job Template --- stateDiagram-v2 %% UX Text decision_process : Background task? cancel_process : User pressed cancel? error_process: Error encountered? queued_process: Job queued? backup_process : Backup supported? restore_process : Backup exists? retry_process : User selects retry job? %% composites state work { working --> waiting : Resource constraint waiting --> working : Retry job } state working { [*] } state create { [*] } state fail { [*] timeout } state cancel { queued_process queued_choice canceling canceled restore_choice restore_process } state partial { [*] } state success { [*] } state complete { success partial } state backup { [*] } state restore { [*] } state queue { requeue enqueue dequed } %% choices state background_choice <<choice>> state cancel_choice <<choice>> state error_choice <<choice>> state queued_choice <<choice>> state backup_choice <<choice>> state restore_choice <<choice>> state retry_choice <<choice>> %% forks state fork_state <<fork>> create --> fork_state fork_state --> cancel_process fork_state --> decision_process fork_state --> error_process %% state diagram %% Request job [*] --> create %% Run task decision_process --> background_choice background_choice --> working : No, start process in foreground background_choice --> enqueue : Yes, enqueue in background enqueue --> backup_process backup_process --> backup_choice backup_choice --> backup : Yes, backup backup_choice --> working : No, start work backup --> working : Start work working --> success : Completed - Success working --> partial : Completed - Partial Success success --> [*] partial --> [*] cancel_process --> cancel_choice : Yes cancel_choice --> queued_process cancel_choice --> cancel_process : No, listen for cancel queued_process --> queued_choice queued_choice --> dequed : Yes, dequeue job queued_choice --> canceling : No, cancel work canceling --> restore_process restore_process --> restore_choice restore_choice --> restore : Backup exists, restore restore_choice --> canceled : Completed - Canceled Work restore --> canceled : Completed - Canceled Work and Restored Previous State dequed --> canceled : Completed - Dequeued Job canceled --> [*] error_process --> error_choice : Yes error_choice --> fail : Completed - Failure Error error_choice --> timeout : Incomplete - Failure Time Out error_choice --> error_process : No, listen for error fail --> [*] timeout --> retry_process retry_process --> retry_choice retry_choice --> requeue : Yes, queue to try again retry_choice --> retry_process : No, listen for retry requeue --> enqueue
Classes are created to logically group activity types that belong to the same module or workflow in the application.
The following is a list of activities captured by class:
Type | Description |
Export | Created the export named {{export_name}} for download with export ID: {{export_id}}. |
Type | Description |
Complete | Successfully bulk mapped documents. Document IDs: {{val, list}} |
Upload | Successfully uploaded document for bulk mapping. Document IDs: {{val, list}} |
Fail | Failed to upload document for bulk mapping. Document IDs: {{val, list}} |
Type | Description |
Completed | Completed report {{report_name}} {{report_id}} job {{job_id}}. |
Copy | Copied {{report_name}} {{report_id}} to {{copied_report_name}} {{copied_report_id}}. |
Create | Created report {{report_name}} {{report_id}}. |
Download | Downloaded report {{report_name}} {{report_id}} job {{job_id}} as a {{CSV |
Edit | Edited report {{report_name}} {{report_id}}. See details for config only. |
Error | {‘scope’: ‘Running report {{report_name}} {{report_id}} resulted in a(n) {{scope |
Rename | Renamed report from {{report_name}} to {{report_name}} {{report_id}}. |
Save As | Saved {{report_name}} {{report_id}} job {{job_id}} to {{save_as_report_name}} {{save_as_report_id}}. |
Save | Saved report {{report_name}} {{report_id}}. See details for config only. |
Search | Started run search report {{report_name}} {{report_id}} job {{job_id}}. |
Stop | Stopped report {{report_name}} {{report_id}} job {{job_id}}. |
Tag | Started run search and tagging report {{report_name}} {{report_id}} job {{job_id}}. |
Type | Description |
Backed Up | Backed up {{master, number}} master and {{raw, number}} raw entities. |
Paused | “Back up paused.”, “Clustering paused.”, “Conflict checking paused.”, “Deletion paused.”, “Restoration of consolidated entities paused.”, “Restoration of raw entities paused.”, “Stopping background process paused.”, or “Synchronization paused.” |
Backing Up | Backing up master and raw entities. |
Clustered | Deduplicated {{deduped, number}} and clustered {{completed, number}} entities by rules. |
Clustering | Clustering sets by duplicates and rules. |
Checked | Check completed with {{conflicts, number}} conflicts and {{consolidated, number}} consolidated entities. |
Checking | “Checking conflicts per settings.” |
Deleted | “Manual decisions deleted.”, “Consolidated list deleted.”, or “Consolidated list and decisions deleted.” |
Deleting | “Deleting manual decisions only.”, “Deleting consolidated list only.”, or “Deleting consolidated list and manual decisions.” |
Completed | “Process completed.” |
Queued | Process queued using ruleset: {{ruleset}}." |
Started | Process started. |
Restored | “Restored consolidated entities.” or “Restored raw entities.” |
Restoring | “Restoring consolidated entities.” or ““Restoring raw entities.” |
Stopped | Stopped background process. |
Stopping | Stopping background process. |
Synchronized | Synchronized {{new, number}} new, {{update, number}} changed, and {{deleted, number}} deleted entities. |
Synchronizing | Synchronizing new, changed, and deleted entities. |
Type | Description | Example |
Download | Downloaded an export. | |
Complete Email | Subject: Canopy Export Completed! – when document related exports completed From: {{from_email}} To: {{to_email}} Message ID: {{MessageId}} |
![]() |
Link | Created a temporary download link for an export. |
Type | Description |
Copy | Copied view {{view_name}} {{view_id}}. |
Create | Created view {{view_name}} {{view_id}}. |
Delete | Deleted view {{view_name}} {{view_id}}. |
Move | Moved view {{view_name}} {{view_id}} from folder {{folder_name}} to folder {{folder_name}}. |
Rename | {‘rename_folder’: ‘Renamed folder from {{from_folder_name}} to {{to_folder_name}}.’, ‘rename_view’: ‘Renamed view from {{view_name}} to {{view_name}} {{view_id}}.’} |
Share | {‘with_role’: ‘Shared view {{view_name}} {{view_id}} with {{user_role}.’, ‘with_user’: ‘Shared view {{view_name}} {{view_id}} with {{user_name}.’} |
Stop Share | {‘stop_share_with_role’: ‘Stopped sharing view {{view_name}} {{view_id}} with {{user_role}}.’, ‘stop_share_with_user’: ‘Stopped sharing view {{view_name}} {{view_id}} with {{user_name}}.’} |
Type | Description | Example |
Consent Email | Subject: Canopy M365 Plugin - Admin Consent From: {{from_email}} To: {{to_email}} Message ID: {{MessageId}} |
![]() |
Type | Description |
Active | Active in project. Session {{session_id}}. |
Entered | Entered the project. Session {{session_id}}. |
Exited | Exited the project. Session {{session_id}}. |
Timed Out | Logged out after {{val}} minutes of inactivity {{session_id}}. Session {{session_id}}. |
Type | Description |
Copy | Copied view {{view_name}} {{view_id}}. |
Create | Created view {{view_name}} {{view_id}}. |
Delete | Deleted view {{view_name}} {{view_id}}. |
Move | {‘folder_to_folder’: ‘Moved view {{view_name}} {{view_id}} from folder {{from_folder_name}} to folder {{to_folder_name}}.’, ‘folder_to_root’: ‘Moved view {{view_name}} {{view_id}} from folder {{from_folder_name}} to the root folder.’, ‘root_to_folder’: ‘Moved view {{view_name}} {{view_id}} from the root folder to folder {{to_folder_name}}.’} |
Rename | {‘folder’: ‘Renamed folder from {{from_folder_name}} to {{to_folder_name}}.’, ‘view’: ‘Renamed view from {{from_view_name}} to {{to_view_name}} {{view_id}}.’} |
Share | {‘user_name’: ‘Shared view {{view_name}} {{view_id}} with {{user_name}}.’, ‘user_role’: ‘Shared view {{view_name}} {{view_id}} with {{user_role}}.’} |
Stop Share | {‘user_name’: ‘Stopped sharing view {{view_name}} {{view_id}} with {{user_name}}.’, ‘user_role’: ‘Stopped sharing view {{view_name}} {{view_id}} with {{user_role}}.’} |
Update | Updated view {{view_name}} {{view_id}}. |
Type | Description |
Back Up | Backup completed |
Back Up | Backup started |
Canceled | Process terminated by user successfully. |
Canceling | The user pressed cancel, and the job is in the process of canceling. |
Completed | Deleted $t(raw_entities, {“count”: {{raw_entities}} }) from document <CPY_SEARCH_ID_LINK_BTN>{{search_id}}</CPY_SEARCH_ID_LINK_BTN> and updated $t(master_entities, {“count”: {{master_entities}} }). |
Completed | Deleted $t(raw_entities, {“count”: {{raw_entities}} }), deleted $t(master_entities, {“count”: {{master_entities}} }), and updated $t(master_entities, {“count”: {{master_entities}} }) impacting $t(documents, {“count”:{{documents}} }). |
Completed | Deleted $t(raw_entities, {“count”: {{raw_entities}} }) from entity detail view document <CPY_SEARCH_ID_LINK_BTN>{{search_id}}</CPY_SEARCH_ID_LINK_BTN> and updated $t(master_entities, {“count”: {{master_entities}} }). |
Create | Selected all resulting in $t(raw_entities, {“count”: {{raw_entities}} }) from a document in Document View in document <CPY_SEARCH_ID_LINK_BTN>{{search_id}}</CPY_SEARCH_ID_LINK_BTN>. |
Create | Selected all resulting in $t(raw_entities, {“count”: {{raw_entities}} }) from a sheet in Document View in document <CPY_SEARCH_ID_LINK_BTN>{{search_id}}</CPY_SEARCH_ID_LINK_BTN>. |
Create | Selected $t(master_entities, {“count”: {{master_entities}} }) by checking boxes on the Consolidated Entity List. |
Create | Selected $t(raw_entities, {“count”: {{raw_entities}} }) by checking boxes on the Raw Entity List. |
Create | Selected $t(master_entities, {“count”: {{master_entities}} }) by applying filters to the Consolidated Entity List. |
Create | Selected $t(raw_entities, {“count”: {{raw_entities}} }) by applying filters to the Raw Entity List. |
Create | Selected a single raw entity from the Document View in document <CPY_SEARCH_ID_LINK_BTN>{{search_id}}</CPY_SEARCH_ID_LINK_BTN>. |
Create | Selected a single related raw entity from a consolidated entity’s Master Entity Detail screen. The raw entity was from document <CPY_SEARCH_ID_LINK_BTN>{{search_id}}</CPY_SEARCH_ID_LINK_BTN>. |
Dequeued | The user pressed cancel and system dequeued the Job. |
Enqueue | Waiting to be executed. |
Fail | Job terminated unexpectedly. Open a customer support ticket and request assistance. |
Fail | Job failed because service was not available. Open a customer support ticket and request assistance. |
Partially Completed | Deleted $t(raw_entities, {“count”: {{raw_entities}} }) from document <CPY_SEARCH_ID_LINK_BTN>{{search_id}}</CPY_SEARCH_ID_LINK_BTN>, updated {{master_entities}}, and skipped {{entities}}. |
Partially Completed | Deleted $t(raw_entities, {“count” {{raw_entities}} }), deleted $t(master_entities, {“count” {{master_entities}} }), and updated $t(master_entities, {“count” {{master_entities}} }) impacting $t(documents, {“count” {{documents}} }). Skipped $t(raw_entities, {“count” {{raw_entities}} }). |
Restore | Restore completed |
Restore | Restore started |
Timed Out | Failed to complete within the allotted time frame. Open a customer support ticket and request for Canopy to retry the job. |
Waiting | Process temporarily on hold, waiting for external resources or conditions to proceed. |
Working | Deleting $t(clustered_entities, {“count”: {{clustered_entities}} }) |
Working | Deleting $t(master_entities, {“count”: {{master_entities}} }) containing no merged or clustered entities |
Working | Deleting $t(merged_entities, {“count”: {{merged_entities}} }) |
Working | Deleting $t(raw_entities, {“count”: {{raw_entities}} }) |
Working | Deleting Raw Entities From Masters |
Working | Deleting Raw Entities From Documents or Raw List |
Working | Updating $t(master_entities, {“count”: {{master_entities}} }) |
Type | Description |
Completed | Job <CPY_TAG_LABEL>{{job_id}}</CPY_TAG_LABEL> deleted $t(raw_entities, {“count”: {{raw_entities}} }). |
Partially Completed | Job <CPY_TAG_LABEL>{{job_id}}</CPY_TAG_LABEL> deleted $t(documents, {“count”: {{documents}} }) ({{val, list}}) and skipped deleting $t(documents, {“count”: {{documents}} }) ({{val, list}}). |