Released: March 5, 2024
Users were unable to bulk delete entities. A new MongoDB-related code changes issue was discovered to be the source of the problem. The code has now been fixed and the update pushed to all production environments.
Released: March 1, 2024
Changes to UI text made during product development caused an incorrect message to display when users added or modified restrictions on the tenant security settings page. The text has been updated and the now the message will be accurately displayed.
Released: February 22 - 27, 2024
Removed console logging to improve performance of the user interface.
The search query tooltip placement was blocking the user’s ability to click on the “x” to remove a search query. The tooltip placement has been adjusted and now displays below the “x,” so the user is no longer blocked from removing a search query.
Design adjustments to the Documents page include removal of an unused div and center alignment of tags and actions.
UI text for view/show more or view/show less has been aligned so the application will consistently display the text “show more / show less” when required.